The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) required assistance in providing planning, design, and design services during construction for the preferred alternative, which primarily consists of designing: a parallel sewer to provide hydraulic relief at CSO outfall HP-007; a parallel sewer to provide hydraulic relief at CSO outfall HP-009; and a new regulator to replace existing Regulator 5 and provide floatables control at CSO Outfall HP-011.
As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided traffic engineering services. This included acquiring all permits from NYCDOT-OCMC, obtaining traffic data to facilitate the CEQR process, and preparing a traffic control report. Further, SIE prepared all traffic / MPT plans from inception to completion for this project, as well as a final traffic control report. SIE was also responsible for reviewing construction contractor RFIs and submittals.