As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided civil, electrical, and traffic engineering support services for multiple task orders under this contract to enhance on-airport connectivity and access to the airport as part of the redevelopment of LaGuardia Airport.
For Task Order #1, SIE provided civil support for upgrades to geometry and bus stops related to the upgraded Q70 route from Woodside to LaGuardia Airport Terminal C during the concept and design phases. SIE also provided the concept design, report, and plan for all electrical engineering related infrastructure. During the design phase, SIE also provided electrical engineering support for wayfinding signage and transit signal priority (TSP) upgrades.
Task Order #2 involved conceptual design for the widening of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway (BQE). SIE assisted with evaluating geometric options for the widened roadway and vetting property, roadway, parkland, structural, traffic, and utility relocation and installation impacts, among other obstacles. This task also involved conceptual design for managed use lanes on the BQE, which involved evaluating geometric options and providing electrical engineering support for any low voltage for the potential managed use lane concept.
Task Order #3 involved conceptual design of a new roadway designated for bus use to a new depot, located at the southern face of the east garage, to serve Terminal C passengers. SIE was responsible for evaluating erosion and sediment control measures and geometric options for the new roadway and vetting obstacles such as utility conflicts, structural vertical clearance conflicts, and other existing infrastructure relocations. Traffic engineering tasks included striping design, potential signal locations, and detailing and conceptual design, report, and plan creation for all associated infrastructure. The electrical portion of this task included verification of existing utility plans including low voltage and lighting for the roadway connection, as well as providing concept design, report, and plan for all associated infrastructure, lighting design for the Terminal C garage, and coordination of a new Terminal C station with the existing buildings and infrastructure. The new Terminal C station also required conceptual design and estimates for an electrical vehicle charging station.
This project required extensive coordination with third-party agencies including MTA, LIRR, NYCDOT, and NYSDOT. Our team analyzed and investigated all options based on cost, efficiency, and geometric standards and created sketches and presentation documents for all alternatives. We provided detailed 75% Design, 90% Design, 100% Design, and Signed and Sealed Contract Documents, in addition to specifications, cost estimates, reports, and plans for all associated infrastructure throughout the project. Upon alternative selection, SIE was responsible for providing design services required for final design. SIE was also tasked with providing final design assistance to develop a cohesive set of plans, specifications, and estimates for PANYNJ. Services included drafting and design support, plan production, and agency coordination.