As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided construction inspection services for this project. Work included the removal of existing and installation of new catch basin, saw cut, excavation of sidewalk and roadway, removal of the existing curb, compaction and installation of new steel faced curb, concrete for restoration road, temporary asphalt on sidewalk and road, installation of new 12″ ductile iron pipe to connect new catch basin and existing manhole, and tree protection. The work also included installation of Silva Cell soil cell, new granite curb, new granite block sidewalk and 4”/7” concrete sidewalk, temporary street lighting, and removal and installation of 6” and 9” concrete road base. Additional work included MPT and safety, removing existing and installation of new street and traffic light poles (concrete footing, steel conduit), and removing existing and installing new 6”, 12″ and 20” water pipe, 3-way, bends, valve and hydrant.