As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided biennial and special bridge inspection services at the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge facility. This project involved a 100% hands-on inspection of all structural components of the bridge. The scope included the main span inspection of the orthotropic deck and suspended span underside, including girders and floorbeams with use of travelers (scissor lift and ladders from the travelers), along with inspection of the fairing system with use of internal catwalks. The main span cables were inspected via walking, and the towers were inspected with use of internal ladders; SIE identified any noted deficiencies in accordance with tower cell nomenclature. Additionally, work on the top of deck portion of the bridge included the inspection of the wearing surface, parapets, median, and light poles. SIE also inspected both anchorages, including the concrete walls, stair towers, and eyebars, along with taking temperature and relative humidity readings in each chamber. SIE updated the database access file based on field notes. Previous CMR and flag conditions were verified or updated based upon field findings. Inspection reports were created following the field inspection, which were based on field notes, including the Biennial, Narrative, and various other reports such as the Wearing Surface and Cable / Anchorage reports.