As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided biennial inspection and reporting for the Corbin Street Ramp bridge at New Jersey Marine Terminal – Port Newark. This project involved a 100% visual inspection of all bridge structural and non-structural elements whose failure could pose a threat to safety or accelerate deterioration of structural systems, with special emphasis on the inspection of the piers and superstructure elements above piers beneath expansion joints. All non-redundant and fracture critical elements, special emphasis details, and all structural elements whose condition was suspect received 100% hands-on inspection. The inspection also included the top and underside of the bridge deck, drainage systems and utilities, supports of mechanical and electrical systems, and all sign and lighting structures within the inspection limits. SIE developed recommendations for correcting all deficiencies, verified the status of all repair recommendations from the previous report, and documented all new Immediate, Priority, and Safety Repair recommendations.