As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided construction inspection bridge preservation services at the RFK Bridge. This project involved as-needed cleaning and painting at various facilities, as-needed paint chip clean-up, and clearing and grubbing areas designated by the Engineer, as well as cleaning and painting at the Marine Parkway Bridge garage, cleaning and sealing the anchorage exteriors at the Bronx Whitestone Bridge, A.O.B.E. spall repairs at the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge anchorage exteriors, and concrete flooring repairs and coating at the Queens Midtown Tunnel and Robert F. Kennedy Bridge maintenance garages.
The project also involved steel median barrier repairs at the RFK Bridge suspended span, cycle cleaning of the RFK Harlem River Lift Span, suspension span, and Bronx Kills Crossing and approach spans’ trusses, scuppers, drains, tower and anchorage modular joints, troughs, and top surfaces of lower strut. Work also included RFK Bronx Kills pier washing and sealing, Washing of RFK Queens and Wards Island anchorage interiors, joint seal repairs at the Bronx Kills and Harlem River Lift Span crossings, and incidental painting at the RFK Bridge.
SIE was responsible for inspecting as-needed cleaning, painting, and paint chip cleanup at various facilities, sealing, and spall repairs at the anchorage exteriors at the RFK Bridge, and steel median repairs at the RFK Bridge suspended span.