As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided consultant construction management services for two contracts, Renewal of Six (6) Stations – 8th Avenue, Fort Hamilton, New Utrecht, 18th Avenue, 20th Avenue and Bay Parkway (A-36090) and Renewal of Three (3) Stations – Kings Highway, Avenue U and 86th Street Station (A-36094).
The Sea Beach Line stations consist of control houses at the street level and two (2) platforms below. The control house contains station rooms and are supported by tunnel arches over the tracks. The station platforms are open cut, protected from weather by concrete canopies, supporting backyards of houses. The end of platform contains various car equipment rooms, EDRs and a communication room. The overpass / bridge connects both platforms and control house.
The work involved rehabilitation of control houses and refurbishment of booths, reconstruction of passageway between platform stairs, replacement of rubbing boards, installation of warning strips, repairing the platform ceiling and wall leaks to stop water infiltration, and covering platform walls with GFRC panel wall system. Work also involved providing a 1″ cavity between back of the new wall system and face of existing platform wall to provide drainage for water infiltration, providing the floor drain at 50′-0″± on center and drain the water through a drainage pipe to the track bed platform edge, replacing concrete platforms, removing soil, vegetation and miscellaneous over canopies. Additionally, work also involved repairing the platform canopy beam and parapet wall from track side, installation of the metal parapet wall with metal mesh infill panels from track side, reinforcing concrete canopy and columns repairs / replacement, rehabilitation of tunnel walls and arch repairs under the control houses. Work also involved the replacement of platform stairs, rehabilitation of retaining walls between the stations, installation of temporary platforms at Bay Parkway and 8th Avenue Station and hard rail connection at north of Kings Highway Station from Track E2 to Track E4, replacement of track panel on Track EJ from north of Kings Highway to south of the 86th Street Station. The scope also involved platform lighting, PA system, PID cameras, the 8th Avenue ADA ramp adjacent to the northbound platform, and the furnishing and installation of two (2) ADA-compliant elevators at the New Utrecht Station. For the 62nd Street Station on the West End Line, work involved the furnishing and installation of two (2) elevators and transfer bridge and ADA ramps as well as modification of the platform canopy of the 62nd Street Station to accommodate the elevators.