NYCHA’s Comprehensive Modernization (“Comp Mod”) program has been launched to effectively utilize available funding to holistically rehabilitate NYCHA’s campuses and buildings, improve building performance, enhance residents’ quality of life with improved living conditions, and preserve public housing for current and future residents. As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) performed detailed evaluations of multiple housing developments.
SIE performed due diligence inspections to confirm conditions identified in the 2016 Physical Needs Assessment (PNA) and captured details of the current state of the site, grounds, facilities, assets, systems, and components, among other items, of NYCHA properties prior to the development of rehabilitation and construction scopes of work. Developments inspected included Wyckoff Gardens and Gowanus Houses in Brooklyn, Todt Hill in Staten Island, and St. Nicholas in Manhattan. Inspection teams included Senior and Associate Architects, a Mechanical Engineer, and an Electrical Engineer, and items inspected included detailed review of buildings’ exterior elements such as brick, roofing, and windows; interior elements including lobbies, fire doors, flooring, and walls; mechanical elements including boilers and heat plants; and electrical system elements such as transformers, meters, and lighting. After the inspections, SIE assisted with the preparation of Due Diligence Inspection Reports and the preparation and approval of the executive summaries for each of the four developments. These reports will provide NYCHA value on their future upgrades, and construction projects to save costs and focus on the repairs and replacement of the most critical areas of each development.