As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided construction administration and inspection services at the RFK Bridge. This project involved full coating removal to eliminate lead based coatings and incidental steel repairs at spans 68 to 103 on the Manhattan Plaza. Other areas, including the Manhattan to Bronx ramp (552120F), Bronx to Manhattan ramp (552188B), and the Junction Structure, needed to be zone cleaned and painted or have a full overcoat applied to preserve the integrity of the existing coating system. This aided in extending the protection of the steel for another 10-15 years and prevented the need for premature full removal and replacement of the coating system, ensuring that the structural steel will remain in good condition long-term.
The fire standpipe system at the Junction Structure was also addressed, which included replacing deteriorated components and protective coating and shield being added at locations susceptible to corrosion due to roadway joints that leak. This was a life safety system that needs to be kept in a state of good repair. The project required coordination with other construction contracts taking place during the same time period.