As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) was responsible for addressing structural inspection, electrical inspection, and street lighting for the preliminary design team for the preparation of the RFP documents and preliminary / conceptual design for Contract 3. The Contract 3 limits were from Barretto Street (Pier 133) to Sheridan Interchange (Pier 165).
The overall project scope included the reconstruction and reconfiguration of Bruckner Sheridan interchange, removal of the southbound Sheridan left hand entrance ramp and replacing it with the standard right hand entrance ramp, widening of Bruckner Expressway from two (2) lanes to three (3) lanes along Sheridan Interchange area, reconstruction of Bryant Avenue pedestrian bridge, geotechnical and environmental soil borings, concrete piers cores, test pits, railroad and parks survey, right of way survey and mapping, park preliminary and final design, bridge rehabilitation, Bruckner Boulevard pedestrian safety improvements, traffic and bicycle signals, environmental studies, street lighting, and utilities design. The scope also included structural steel painting as well as technical assistance to the design-build team during the construction of Contract 3.
Additionally, SIE was responsible for performing the hands-on design/repair inspection for BIN’s 106666F (Ramp M), 106666G (Ramp P), and 106666H (Ramp N) and providing reports for each. The electrical team was responsible for identifying and load testing the existing electrical cabinets feeding street lighting, identifying the 24 hour circuit to feed new traffic signal equipment, identifying the electrical requirements for future electric vehicle charging stations and Citibike stations, identifying any outstanding electrical issues which may impede the flow during the design and construction phase, preparing the RFP’s lighting section, including scope of work, project limits and requirements per DOT guidelines, and performing the lighting calculations (preliminary design) for all the roadways, ramps, intersections, parking lot, and a pedestrian bridge within the project limits.