As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided lighting design services for a NYSDOT design-build project for complete redecking of three bridges: 86th Street over Gowanus Expressway, Randall’s Ave. over Throgs Neck Expressway, and Lefferts Blvd over Belt Parkway. The tasks included the lighting design for the upper roadway and street level under deck lighting, within the project limits. SIE performed complete lighting design according to New York City DOT Division of Street Lighting (DSL) Design Standards. Specific tasks undertaken included a field investigation to locate existing power sources, junction boxes and other electrical equipment, layout fixtures, lighting calculations, load analysis, voltage drop calculations, conduit fill calculations and lighting circuit design. SIE was fully responsible for design and recommendations. VISUAL lighting software was utilized for lighting calculations. SIE also prepared the temporary lighting design where needed and submitted temporary lighting plans to NYCDOT-DSL for approval.
The Lefferts Blvd bridge required the replacement of two control cabinets. The complete lighting and feeder system was developed for all three bridges.