As part of Vision Zero, this project involved the redesign of Queens Boulevard. Identified as a Vision Zero priority corridor, Queens Boulevard is currently one of the busiest and highest-crash thoroughfares in Queens. This redesign not only improves safety but also seeks to transform this corridor into a pleasant human experience. Streetscape improvements, such as pedestrian lighting and upgraded street / traffic lighting at intersections, will provide a safer, more inviting, and accessible space for pedestrians as well as a separated and protected bicycle path to allow for safe cyclist travel along the boulevard.
This project will make permanent the geometric modifications developed during the preliminary design of Queens Boulevard between Roosevelt Avenue and 73rd Street. The design of the reconstructed raised malls calms traffic and provides a safer, more inviting, and accessible space for pedestrians, as well as a separated and protected bicycle path to allow for safe bicycle travel.
As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) conducted lighting design for the final design services. To perform the final design, a field survey was conducted to verify the power source and existing control cabinet locations. SIE was responsible for a full lighting study to determine the proper location of both street lights and pedestrian poles. SIE was also responsible for the installation of pedestrian scale lighting on the service road medians and relocation of the street light poles as required due to the geometric alignment changes. Conduit was laid out and voltage drop calculations were performed in the most effective and efficient manner.
Lighting calculations were performed using visual lighting software. Lighting / electrical plans were prepared and submitted to NYCDOT-DSL for approval, and the approved plans were submitted to NYCDDC.