As the prime consultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided project management and construction management services for the Port Authority’s Tenant Construction and Alteration Process (TCAP) at the John F. Kennedy, LaGuardia, and Stewart airports. TCAP encompasses all alterations and minor works at existing Port Authority facilities, in addition to all new construction, and is a necessary way of managing work performed in Port Authority leaseholds and public facilities.
SIE was responsible for managing a portfolio of tenant construction projects at various Port Authority facilities to ensure that tenants’ construction projects in their space within the PANYNJ facility was up to par with PANYNJ requirements and standards. The work required close coordination and interaction with Resident Engineers, Facility Tenant Construction Managers, tenants, A/EORs, and contractors. SIE was responsible for ensuring conformance to approved plans, specifications, permits, and applicable codes, as well as keeping the Facility Tenant Coordinator informed regarding progress of work, including all project milestones. SIE was additionally responsible for scheduling and holding pre-construction meetings, verifying that appropriate insurance and licenses were in place and valid during construction, and coordinating with Risk Finance in the event of any questions or issues. The work also involved inspecting in-progress construction in accordance with approved drawings and working closely with the Facility Tenant Coordinator to coordinate all operational issues, life safety system tie-ins and shutdowns, and project close-out through receipt of appropriate certifications and records from the tenant.