This project involved the replacement of the existing highway lighting system on the bridge over Cheesequake Creek. The structure was 712 ft. long and consisted of seven (7) approach spans, one (1) flanking span and a single leaf bascule span.
As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) performed the lighting design task, which included field investigation and evaluation of the existing lighting system, as well establishing the locations of the new luminaires using Visual lighting software. Work was performed in accordance with NJDOT lighting criteria set forth in the Roadway Design Manual. SIE was responsible for preparation of a lighting report, which set forth the results of the analysis, and development of roadway lighting plans for the new lighting system, which included new circuitry, voltage drop calculations, and conduit fill calculations to verify conformance to National Electrical Code (NEC) standards. The existing load center was reused for the new lighting system to eliminate the need for a new service drop. Additionally, SIE prepared temporary lighting plans to maintain illumination during construction.