As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided bridge inspection services for the Biennial Bridge Inspection of the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, which is a twin cable stayed bridge spanning over the Hudson River. Year 1 involved the inspection of the Northbound Bridge and Year 2 involved the inspection of the Southbound Bridge.
Responsibilities included the 100% hands-on inspection of the multi-girder superstructure underside using UBIU’s and structural climbing. The top of deck elements, such as wearing surface, parapets, and light poles were inspected by walking and by using a 30’ bucket truck.
The inspection followed the latest NYSDOT BIM, which required documentation and photographs of conditions rated condition ratings of CS-3 through CS-5, including any increase ratings from the previous inspection. The field note documentation included detailed notes of observations as per AASHTO element level and NYSDOT requirements. SIE also assisted with the biennial report.