As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided construction administration and inspection services for the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of the Upper Level Approach Decks at the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge (VN-84A) and Roadway and Sign Structure Improvements to the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge Brooklyn Approach to Gowanus Expressway (VN-11).
Under VN-84A, the Staten Island approaches and upper level Brooklyn westbound approach were reconstructed. This rehabilitation included providing a new upper level deck, improvements to superstructure, overcoating of existing approach steel superstructure, seismic retrofits, and upgrades to lighting, drainage communications and standpipes on the Upper level approach structures. The rehabilitation also included the adjoining suspended side spans of the upper level deck at the Brooklyn and Staten Island anchorages, roadway decks Span 1 to Span 5 and Span 15 to Span 19. This rehabilitation included providing a new upper level deck, complete replacement of the anchorage stringers and floor beams, seismic retrofits, and upgrades to lighting, drainage and standpipes, and barriers. The Westbound Lily Pond Exit Ramp required reconstruction of the concrete pavement, so work also included reconfiguring the merge with Lily Pond Avenue by extending the entry / acceleration lane, and re-striping.
Under VN-11, work involved the reconfiguration of the 92nd Street entrance and exit ramps. A fourth lane was extended from the merge of the VNB upper and lower level eastbound roadways to Fort Hamilton Pkwy. The on-ramp from 92nd Street was barrier-separated, the length of the Fort Hamilton Parkway service road, and merge with mainline traffic after Fort Hamilton Parkway. Work also included the reconfiguration of the Fort Hamilton Parkway exit. Construction improvements included a reconstructed off ramp that lengthened the weave on the service road and added a second lane to the intersection approach along the entire ramp alignment. Additionally, work also involved sign structure improvements, such as the installation of static, VMS, CMS, and Lane Use Signal (LUS) at four (4) locations on the westbound Gowanus Expressway. Traffic and utilities were maintained at all times during construction for VN-84A and VN-11.