As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided design-build project delivery and construction quality assurance services for the Hunts Point Interstate Access Improvement Project – Contract 2, which will provide improved access between the Hunts Point Peninsula and Sheridan Boulevard and the Bruckner Expressway. The project addressed structural and operational deficiencies.
The scope of this project involved rehabilitation and widening of 1.25 miles of Bruckner Expressway Viaduct, including redecking, steel and concrete repair, painting, removal and installation of new sign structures, new lighting, and new ITS components such as cameras with VMS. The scope also involved construction of two new ramps to and from Bruckner Expressway and Leggett Avenue, including retaining walls on fill and new abutments. Additional items of work included demolition of existing Exit Ramp RE and resurfacing and pedestrian safety improvements on 1.7 miles of Bruckner Boulevard, including installation of new and modification of existing traffic signals, utilities relocation and coordination, and landscaping and replacement of fences along railroads.
Key elements of the construction included replacement of concrete bridge deck, installation of safety shield and work platform over Bruckner Boulevard, steel H-pile and mini-pile installation, and 26 new pile founded concrete piers supporting new ramps and widening. Other key elements included structural steel and concrete strengthening, concrete and steel repairs, replacement of concrete bridge barrier, reconstruction and rehabilitation of concrete piers and abutments, replacement of bearings and pedestals, structural steel painting, concrete substructure painting and protective sealing, replacement of viaduct electrical and lighting system, replacement of scuppers and downspout system, pavement rehabilitation including full depth pavement reconstruction and resurfacing, sidewalk and curb replacement, and redesign of 15 local street intersections, including curb extensions, widened medians, shorter crosswalks to improve pedestrian safety, and traffic and pedestrian signal modification. The work also included construction of a shared-use path along the Bruckner Boulevard median, repairs to concrete retaining walls using shotcrete, and approximately $5 million of work performed within Amtrak Right-of-way, adjacent to railroad operations and in close proximity to live catenary.
SIE performed detailed inspections, onsite testing of materials, and other activities as necessary, including collection of data and verification of as-built plans. All records were kept in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Record Keeping (MURK), including SiteManager and EBO.