As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided construction administration and inspection services at the RFK Bridge. This project involved the removal of existing coatings followed by repainting, cleaning, and overcoating existing coatings; field cleaning and finish painting shop-primed steel, cleaning and painting new or existing bare steel surfaces, and protecting new and existing surfaces from painting work.
The scope of work involved painting of all existing steel members including, but not limited to, floor beams, girders, fascia girders/parapet including steel mesh fence, stringers, diaphragms, lateral-cross bracing members, bearings, expansion joints, concrete deck framing steel, gusset plates, drainage pipes, drainage pans, downspouts, scuppers, sidewalk stringers, other miscellaneous steel, connections, and fasteners. Additional work included cleaning, preparing, and painting of the concrete piers of the Queens Approach from Pier 23 to Pier 40. The contractor was required to protect security systems, fire standpipe system, lighting and associated conduits and wiring while performing the work.