As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided construction inspection services for the reconstruction of Saw Mill River Parkway, including structures over Kisco River and Branch Brook in Westchester County, New York. The work included raising the profile of the Saw Mill River Pkwy (1500 Ft.) to meet the new structure elevations. The structures over Kisco River and Branch Brook were being replaced to allow for the designed hydraulic flow. Elements of work included embankment construction, drainage, asphalt pavement, guiderail, utility replacement, concrete for structures, steel girder installation, and deck construction. An on-site detour with two temporary structures was constructed to stage traffic onto while construction was in progress. All records were kept in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Record Keeping (MURK).
SIE was involved in all construction operations of the contractor to ensure conformance with contract plans, specifications, and proposals. SIE’s staff was responsible for review of contractor’s daily maintenance and protection of traffic setups, measurement of quantities of contractor’s activities on a daily basis, tracking of equipment utilization and workers by job classification, preparation of daily inspector reports, and review of overall job site safety as per NYSDOT standards and methodology. Tasks also included maintenance of all project records, processing payments for contractor, reviewing force account records, preparing independent construction cost estimates, verifying compilations and calculation of data, development of site-specific maintenance and protection of traffic (MPT) plans, and verifying material, equipment, and labor costs.