As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) was responsible for the traffic engineering portion of a Master Planning Study for NYCDOT’s 32-11 Harper Street Yard Facility on behalf of NYCOMB. SIE created the summary of the traffic turning analysis performed for three (3) proposed layouts for Harper Street Yard, providing the site geometric configuration, parking and garage locations, and traffic flow routes and performing turning analysis.
Future conditions were compared to the existing condition to establish future baseline operations. A tabular summary of the No-Action condition analyses was assessed, including LOS, V/C, and delays. The turning analysis previously conducted for current configuration of the yard depicted that WB-50 and a ten-wheel dump truck can traverse through the facility at the designated route with no issues.
SIE determined future conditions for vehicular traffic in the study area for the With-Action condition for three (3) alternative schemes, presenting a tabular summary of the With-Action condition analyses for the proposed project including LOS, V/C, and delays. Comparisons were made to the results of No-Action condition analyses to determine potential traffic impacts. SIE created traffic flow maps for the weekday AM and PM peak hours with mitigation measures applied to improve the operation of traffic for each alternative.
SIE utilized AutoTURN software to evaluate the turning radii of trucks entering and exiting the site through the site driveway and up to five (5) key locations throughout the site for up to three (3) alternatives. The results were used to evaluate each alternative, and input was provided to assist in the selection of an optimal alternative.