MTA-LIRR Comprehensive Inspection Program

MTA-LIRR Comprehensive Inspection Program

As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided comprehensive inspection of all bridges throughout the entire LIRR system. The project consisted of 507 undergrade structures, 29 viaduct structures, 164 culvert structures, 61 overgrade structures, 4 tunnels, and 280 high mast towers. SIE was involved in performing hands-on inspections, observing and documenting unusual problems or details, verifying previously reported conditions, and filling forms in Asset Management Software (HEXAGON and MAXIMO), in addition to preparing field sketches, measurements, and documentation and updating inventory with the correct and most up-to-date information about the structures. A comprehensive inspection report for each asset inspected was prepared using HEXAGON, MAXIMO, and AutoCAD as reporting tools.

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