As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided structural inspection, reporting, design of repairs, and estimating services for this project. SIE was responsible for field inspection and verification of priority and safety repairs at the concrete slab below the JSTC and other locations.
As part of this project, priority and safety repairs, including those identified in the following reports, were verified and measured for repair details.
- JSTC concourse level, including areas under bus lanes and in tenant spaces (referred to the 2017 Inspection Report: JSTC public and private areas, plaza level, concourse level, turnstile area, platforms, and Moore’s tower)
- JSTC framing of bus lanes over Journal Square track area (referred to the JSTC 2018 Inspection Report of the underside of CH Martin store and framing above tracks, including the JFK Blvd. bridge and columns)
- Journal Square Parking Garage underneath the bus level slab (referred to the 2020 Inspection Report JSTC parking garage and baseline inspection of the HCMF railcar spare parts storage warehouse)
SIE submitted a report based on the findings that were submitted to PANYNJ along with design drawings identifying each location. SIE also provided PANYNJ with a detailed estimate, which accounted for all repair types and locations, including those for concrete repairs, fireproofing, steel repairs, and others.