As the prime consultant for NYCDDC, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided resident engineering inspection services for the distribution water mains in Clove Road between Mosel Avenue and Lakeview Terrace in the Borough of Staten Island with approximately 14,200 L.F. of new 8” water mains.
Our team provided all services necessary and required for the inspection, supervision, management, coordination, and administration of the project to ensure the required construction work was properly executed, completed in a timely fashion, and conformed to the requirements of the construction documents and to good construction practice. Work included best management practices.
SIE also provided pre-construction, construction, and post-construction services. SIE was responsible for reviewing the contract plans and specifications for the project, DDC standard water main and highway specifications, and DEP and DOT standard drawings as-needed to familiarize staff with the standards utilized, as well as the construction inspection of the installation of water mains and roadway restoration work.