As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided biennial inspection and reporting for the Outerbridge Crossing, including the New York approach, main span, and New Jersey approach. The inspection included 100% hands-on inspection of various framing, including multi-girder, girder/floor beam/stringer, concrete columns including fracture critical items such as steel floor beams, truss and gusset plates. The approaches were accessed by various sized manlifts, and the suspended span was accessed by a rigged/movable platform. The inspection followed the latest NYSDOT BIM, which required documentation and photographs of conditions which had a condition rating of CS-3 through CS-5, including any increase ratings from the previous inspection. The field note documentation included sketches and updating previous inspection findings, including updating the PANYNJ condition reports which included priority, safety, and routine repair recommendations. The report included both the NYSDOT and PANYNJ condition reports, which included narrative, priority/safety/routine repair recommendation tables, and general findings with updated drawings.