As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) performed a condition survey and submitted condition survey reports for 5 fuel transfer piers located along the south shore of Bergen Basin (Piers 1, 2, 3, A and B), Thurston Bay Pier, and 25 sewer outfall extensions. The Bergen Basin piers are high-level, timber, T-head piers of similar construction, and Pier 3 was being used by the Port Authority Police. Thurston Bay Pier is a 375 feet long high-level platform consisting of a 369 feet long by 4 feet wide access trestle and a 6 feet long by 9 feet wide platform at the offshore end. The pier supports a Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) for the airport runways. SIE was responsible for inspecting pier elements, including timber piles, pile caps, cross bracing, joist framing, deck, handrail and curbs, pipe saddles, timber fenders, and dolphins. The sewer outfall extensions located within the confines of JFK International Airport differ in construction, from assorted diameter reinforced concrete pipes to box culverts ranging from a single barrel to a quadruple barrel configuration.
All inspection work and reports conformed to the PA Quality Assurance Guidelines for Waterfront Structures. Inspection of the culvert structures was performed in compliance with the latest PANYNJ guidelines.