The Hannah Street Pump Station is the largest City-owned wastewater collection system pumping station on Staten Island, with a firm conveyance capacity of 37.5 MGD. As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided construction inspection services for the mechanical and electrical portions of the project. The facility required extensive upgrades to address numerous deficiencies, including the replacement and / or repair of sluice gates, mechanical and manual bar screens, main sewage pumps, valves, controls, piping, doors, windows, railings, gratings, hatches, and skylights.
The scope of work involved the partial demolition of the existing pump station superstructure and replacement of all electrical, mechanical, HVAC, instrumentation and controls, and plumbing equipment. It also included the construction of a new substation building on-site to house Con Ed feeders, transformers, and network protectors and a new electrical building to house new DEP electrical equipment. The scope also included construction of an interim pump station / wet well to bypass the pump station during construction, as well as a 36-inch pump-around force main and approximately 1,800 feet of temporary 30-inch force main while the existing force main was rehabilitated. Excavation of approximately 40 feet deep was required for the construction of the interim pumping station, including four levels of internal steel bracing. A new on-site emergency generator was also installed. Additional upgrades to the electrical distribution system included switchgears, transformers, motor control centers, and other low voltage equipment. SIE’s staff inspected all mechanical and electrical work to ensure compliance with the contract documents and prepared daily inspection reports.