As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided biennial inspection of the main suspension span which included all bridges, Bus Station Structures, and Air Rights Buildings over the Trans-Manhattan Expressway; and all approach ramps for the Manhattan connections to the Henry Hudson Parkway and Riverside Drive. Inspection of the main span included both the upper level and lower level.
The objective of the inspection was to determine the overall condition of the structures and to identify structural and non-structural deficiencies. Our team provided hands-on inspections and assessments, including the sounding of concrete to identify voids and potential problems. SIE evaluated various components’ conditions, including the deck underside, floor beams, bottom chords and stringers, upper level bridge deck, cables, towers, and anchorage chambers. The scope of work also included the inspection of all bridge-mounted sign structures and light standards, as well as the prioritization of recommended repairs.
Additionally, SIE prepared inspection reports, including supporting documents with recommendations, and submitted them to the Port Authority. The assignment also included the development of all maintenance and protection of traffic plans (MPT), shoring and support details, CADD coordination and cost estimates.