As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) performed as-built load rating of the George Washington Bridge main span Upper Level and Lower Level structures. Work consisted of preparing and submitting load ratings for both structures in accordance with the latest requirements of the NYSDOT, FHWA/AASHTO, and PA Load Rating Guidance. The scope included load ratings for a total of 34 spans, including but not limited to the orthotropic deck, second floor beams, floor beams, stringers, girders, main suspension cables, suspender ropes, stiffening trusses, gusset plates and connections. Load and Resistance Factor Ratings (LRFR and Load Factor Ratings (LFR) were done for as-built conditions. SIE utilized the provided ADINA model for rating and updated the model to include all members to be rated, resulting in a complete model for each bridge in the ADINA program. SIE prepared a Load Rating Report, which included as built and/or rehab drawings used in the calculation, especially the typical cross section, framing plans and girder schedule. The report also included sketches of controlling members showing all sizes, location of section, and span length. For spans with the overall controlling member, the report included a framing plan with detailed input and output information for all the members calculated in the framing plan. For spans without the controlling member, the report included rating summary tables for all the members calculated in each span.