As a subconsultant, SI Engineering, P.C. (SIE) provided traffic engineering services for this project. SIE was responsible for cost estimating the traffic items of the scope, including signal design, signage, pavement markings, and MOT. The project involved the design of realigned ramp connections, as well as modifications to the Guard Post H access from the North Service Road, including expansion of the truck staging area. Additionally, the two (2) separate existing access points to Buildings #90 and #269 and Guard Post W, off of the South Service Road, were combined into a single access point, including minor modifications to the Building #269 parking lot.
Traffic engineering improvements for this project included the removal, resetting, and/or replacement, as necessary, of existing wayfinding signs, traffic control signing, and pavement markings impacted by the ramp realignments and access improvements. Traffic improvements also included the installation of a new traffic signal at the South Service Road and realigned Van Wyck Expressway ramps, and removal of existing traffic signals at the following three (3) locations:
- South Service Road and existing Building #269 access
- South Service Road and existing VWE ramps
- North Service Road and existing VWE ramps